An implementation of the MacOS terminal. Useful for showcasing a command line interface.
Component Source
> jsrepo add ui/terminal
{#snippet loadingMessage()}
Fetching manifest
{#snippet completeMessage()}
✔ Retrieved blocks from github/ieedan/shadcn-svelte-extras
{#snippet loadingMessage()}
Adding ui/terminal
{#snippet completeMessage()}
✔ Added ui/terminal
{#snippet loadingMessage()}
Installing dependencies
{#snippet completeMessage()}
✔ Installed runed@^0.23.4
✔ All done.
jsrepo add ui/terminal
You can add a delay to <Terminal.Root/> to delay every animation by that amount of time:
You can also change the speed of all animations from <Terminal.Root/>:
You can make the terminal preview continuously loop using the <Terminal.Loop/> component.
> jsrepo add ui/terminal
{#snippet loadingMessage()}
Fetching manifest
{#snippet completeMessage()}
✔ Retrieved blocks from github/ieedan/shadcn-svelte-extras
{#snippet loadingMessage()}
Adding ui/terminal
{#snippet completeMessage()}
✔ Added ui/terminal
{#snippet loadingMessage()}
Installing dependencies
{#snippet completeMessage()}
✔ Installed runed@^0.23.4
✔ All done.
This component was inspired by magicuidesign/magicui.